Harold G. Wolff(1898-1962) 1898ニューヨーク生まれ。
近代頭痛学の始祖 |
Stewart J. Tepper, MD
The New England Center for Headache Stamford,
Connecticut |
Donald W. Lewis, MD, FAAN, FAAP
Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Attending Physician Children's Hospital of the King's
Daughters Norfolk, Virginia 脳失血で亡くなったそうです。享年60歳。合掌
Donald W. Lewis, MD (1951 - 2012)
Children, adolescents, and young adults with headaches and neurological
diseases have lost a great advocate, educator and physician and we have all
lost a leader in clinical care, research and education, and a friend in the
passing of Dr. Don Lewis.
Don passed away suddenly from a cerebral hemorrhage on Friday, February 17,
2012 at the age of 60. |
Paul Winner, DO, FAAN, FAAP, FAHS
Clinical Professor of Neurology
Nova Southeastern University
Fort Lauderdale,
Director Palm Beach Headache Center
West Palm Beach, Florida |
Rami Burstein
(Harvard Medical School, USA)片頭痛のアロディニア説で有名です。 |
Prof Jes Olesen Prof of Neurology,
Univ of Copenhagen, Denmark
Spreading oligemiaの研究は頭痛史の金字塔です。
第29回日本頭痛学会で講演 |
Michael A.Moskowitz Departments ofl Neurology and
Radiology Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston,
R. Allan Purdy Professor and Head,
Division of Neurology,
Dalhousie University
(Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada),
Dr. Diamond ダイアモンド頭痛クリニックで有名 |
JW Lance
The Prince Henry and Prince of Wales Hospitalsの神経科部長

Dirner, Hans-Christoph, Professor
Department of Neurology,
University Essen,
Dahlof, Carl Gustaf Hjaimar
Professor in Neurology
Institute of Clinical Neuroscience
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden |
Roger K. Cady
米国・Director of Headache Care Center
米国・Director/Founder of the Primary Care Network, Inc
プライマリケア医への頭痛診療教育に熱心に取り組んでいる |
Patrick RA.Humphrey
Professor、Department of Pharmacology、University of Cambridge、UK
J. Heith Campbell, MD, FRCP, editor of Headache
Peter J. Goadby, MD.PhD,DSc, Editor of Cephalalgia
Prof. Julio Pascual
University Hospital
Marques de Valdecilla
Department of Neurology, Spain
Elizabeth Loder, MD, is Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard
Medical School and Director of the Pain and Headache Management Programs at
the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. She serves
on the Board of Directorsof the American Headache Society and the Governing
Body of the American Council for Headache Education. Her major interests
include the influence of hormones and gender on headache, the care of
refractory headache patients, and primary care management of headache and
pain disorders.
Allan M Rapoport, M.D. 2002.5.29 第43回日本神経外科学会ランチョンセミナー(於・札幌)にて
Alan Rapoport
Alan M. Rapoport, M.D.
Clinical Professor of Neurology
Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons New York, New York
Founder and Director
The New England Center for Headache, P.C.
778 Long Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06902-1251
Fred D. Sheftell M.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor
New York Medlcal College Valhalla, New York
Director and Founder New England Center for Headache Stamford, CT
MIDASの研究で有名です。2001年第29回日本頭痛学会で講演(衛星)We have lost a gentle giant in the
field of Headache.
Fred Sheftell, MD, died after a long struggle with cancer on April 11, 2011.
Dr. Andrew Dowson
Director of Kings Headache Service, Kings College Hospital, UK
2001年第29回日本頭痛学会で講演 |
Lawrence Robbins
著書に日本に「頭痛の薬物治療指針」(寺元純訳)がある。Robbins, Lawrence D.: Management of headache and
headache medications / Lawrence D. Robbins . - 2. ed. . - New York [u.a.] :
Springer , 2000 .
http://www.headachedrugs.com/ |
Blau JN (経歴は名前をクリックしてください) The National Hospital for Neurology and
and the City of London Migraine Clinic
John F. Rothrock, MD Headacheの編集長(2001)
From 1994 until 1999, he was professor and chair of neurology at the
University of South Alabama in Mobile
David W. Dodick, FRCP(C), FACP, MD Headacheの副編集長(2001)
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, 13400 East Shea Boulevard, Scottsdale,
Arizona 85259, USA;
Mark W. Green, MD Headacheの副編集長(2001)
He is currently a Clinical Professor of Neurology at Columbia University
College of Physicians and Surgeons. |
Michel D. Ferrari, MD, PhD Professor, Department of
Leiden University Medical Centre
Richard B. Lipton Professor, Dept of Neurology, Albert
Einsetin College of Medicine
米国頭痛学会会長 |
John Edmeads
Sunnybrook Health Science Center, University of Toronto, Canada
亡くなられております。 |
Federigo Sicuteri (1920-2003) 片頭痛にセロトニンが深く関係していることを明らかにした。
M Fanciullacci, J Lance: Obituary In memory of Federigo Sicuteri
(19202003), a headache medicine pioneer. Cephalalgia 2004;24:1090-1 |
K. Mickael Welch, MD Vice chancellor for research and
president of the Research Institute at the University of Kansas Medical
Center. |
Bayard T. Horton
1952年Histaminic cephalalgiaとして報告
Cephalalgia 2002;22(4):320- |
Wilfred Harris (1869-1960)
群発頭痛を詳しく記載。1926年Migrainous neuralgiaとして報告
1936年Ciliary neuralgiaとして報告
(Cephalalgia 2002;22(4):320-Cephalalgia 2002;22(4):320-) |